Do’s and Don'ts of interacting with fursuiters

Author: Kijani Lion

Reading time: ~3 minutes

Fursuiting is one of the biggest draws to fur cons and the furry fandom as a whole, particularly in the last five to 10 years. In fact, Anthrocon 2023 had a record 3,217 fursuiters attend the fursuit parade alone! If this is your first con, chances are you've never seen or interacted with giant costumed fursona characters before, so here are some guidelines that attendees should follow for everyone's safety and well-being. It's easy to forget there are people underneath these wearable works of art, and we don't want anyone committing accidental “faux paws”!

Do's (things you should do or consider)

  • DO ask for permission for hugs and photos! It's best to do this both verbally and nonverbally (for a hug, extending your arms out wide) as some fursuiters may be hard of hearing. Remember, cosplay is not consent and some fursuiters do not want to be hugged or touched while in costume. Fursuiters may also have visible badges they may wear indicating their preference for physical contact or photography, which can help indicate their comfort level.

  • DO talk loud and clear to get a fursuiter's attention. Fursuit heads tend to muffle sounds and voices, so waving your arms or giving other nonverbal clues will help.

  • DO be patient when trying to get a fursuiter’s attention if they’re already interacting with someone else. They’ll be happy to interact with you if you give them a chance to finish with others!

  • DO realize that some fursuiters have very limited vision, particularly those costumes with realistic-style eyes (they see through the tear ducts!). If you try to high-five a fursuiter or get their attention and they seem to ignore you, it's likely because they just couldn't see you!

  • DO give fursuiters a little bit more physical space if you see them moving in a tight or narrow area, especially elevators. Speaking of which, it’s also common practice to let fursuits on/off elevators first. It’s a courtesy that is much appreciated!

  • DO compliment the fursuiter! Even saying something as simple as “I love your suit” and showing interest in their costume (asking who the maker is, etc) can really make their day.

Don'ts (things to avoid)

  • DON'T surprise a fursuiter from behind or “glomp” hug them. Make sure all interactions are within the performer's field of vision (directly in front of them).

  • DON'T ever physically pick up a fursuiter without permission. “Uppies” are fun, but they may have a medical condition or delicate fursuit parts that could harm them or their costume.

  • DON'T pull on or touch fursuit parts or accessories, beyond incidental contact from a hug. Parts such as a dragon's wings or deer's antlers can be very delicate and break easily.

  • DON'T interact with fursuiters if you're holding food or drink. No matter how careful you are, one slip or ill-timed bump may cause a significant amount of stain damage to a fursuit. And if you just finished eating food or have dirty paws, wash your hands before touching a fursuiter.

  • DON’T use flash photography without asking for explicit permission. This could be potentially harmful for fursuiters who may have physical triggers to bright flashing lights directly on their line of sight.

  • DON'T say anything negative about or otherwise criticize someone's fursuit. Keep in mind many fursuiters made their own costumes from scratch, often with no prior experience.

Additional thoughts

Something else to keep in mind is that not all fursuiters will talk, it's up to each individual performer and how they choose to portray their character as speaking or non-speaking. In some instances a non-speaking character will have a handler nearby that will answer questions for them.

Fursuiting is one of the most visible, creative and fun aspects of our unique fandom, and I hope these tips help you have many safe and fun interactions with the thousands of fursuiters at Anthrocon!

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