Fursuiting safely in the hot summer weather

Author: Kijani Lion

Reading time: ~4 minutes

Disclaimer: Kijani is a veteran fursuiter who has attended and fursuited at Anthrocon since 2010, and has performed in parades and at community events in 90+ degree temperatures. Statements in this guide are merely suggestions from his and others’ experiences and do not constitute official medical advice.

For those who own a fursuit, one of the highlights of Anthrocon is certainly getting the chance to wear your character out on the streets of Pittsburgh and around the convention space! If it’s your first time in Steel City and you’re traveling from a colder climate, however, it could be an unpleasant surprise to know that Pittsburgh’s average July temperature is a balmy 83° degrees Fahrenheit (28° C!). In addition, these temperatures are usually accompanied by high humidity as the downtown area is in close proximity to water.

Without taking proper precautions, dehydration, heat exhaustion and the dreaded heatstroke are all possible dangers, but thankfully there are many things you can do to limit the effects of the summer heat and have an enjoyable time fursuiting even in hot weather.

Hydration is key

HYDRATE!!! Fursuiting even in cool weather causes you to overheat, and as your core temperature rises, your body will lose a lot of water through perspiration to cool you down. When it’s hot, it becomes even more important to hydrate before, during and after fursuiting to replace those lost fluids! I recommend water for the “before” and “during” parts, and sports drinks like Gatorade are good after you’re done, to replace the electrolytes and salt lost through sweat. If you know you’ll be fursuiting outdoors for a length of time and are able to have a handler with you, have them bring along a couple bottles of water for hydration on the go! Don’t forget to either stop by a store before the convention, or pack some water in your checked luggage so you’ll have a steady supply in your hotel room for the entire weekend.

Wear proper fursuiting attire

Wear proper fursuiting attire! For fullsuiters, this is the most important tip to feel comfortable in your costume. Compression wear is best (Under Armour Heat Gear or equivalent) as the skintight, breathable fabric wicks sweat away from your body, improves air flow and keeps you cooler in that heavy blanket of faux fur. Other fabrics like cotton act as insulation and will essentially make you an oven – to test this, try wear a plain cotton T-shirt while actively fursuiting for at least 5 minutes, then switch to compression gear. The difference is amazing! I recommend bringing at least 2 full sets containing both a compression shirt (preferably long-sleeve) and leggings, more if you can afford them. After one gets used, you can wash them in the bathtub, hang dry and they’ll be good for another use later in the con!

Take plenty of breaks

Take breaks! This is especially important if you are new to fursuiting and don’t quite know your limits, which vary from person to person. Hot, humid weather will significantly reduce your stamina, so it’s a good idea to take breaks at least every 45 minutes or so and head to one of Anthrocon’s Fursuit Lounges, pop your head off, get a drink of water and cool down. If you’re away from the con space and feel overheated, find a shady spot to rest. Your health always comes first!

Invest in cooling accessories

Invest in cooling accessories! Many fursuiters have mini fans installed in their heads (or wear portable ones around their neck) for improved air circulation and instant relief. Some also wear cooling vests underneath their suit which can keep you comfortable for up to 4 hours at a time. EZ Cooldown, Glacier Tek, HyperKewl and FlexiFreeze are top brands and generally have excellent reviews.

Prepare for the fursuit parade wait

If you haven’t participated in the famed Anthrocon Fursuit Parade before, take note that it may be up to an hour OR MORE before you actually exit the hall to the parade route, due to the sheer number of fursuiters! The Parade does go outside for a brief time (totally worth it, trust me!) so make sure you stay well hydrated during the queue period. I recommend removing your fursuit head until it’s close to the time your line will exit. This is done in an orderly fashion and you’ll be able to see when your turn is coming.

To summarize things

Hopefully these tips will help you stay cool in costume during the warm Pittsburgh summers! In consideration of the convention’s fursuiters, most areas of the DLCC are air-conditioned and kept cool for everyone’s comfort. If the temperatures rise outside, try to fursuit indoors as much as possible. Be safe out there and most importantly, have fun!

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