Membership Refunds and Deferrals

As much as we hope everyone planning to come to Anthrocon can attend, we understand that people have events in their life that make them unable to attend even after they have registered as Members.

Refunds - Rollovers - Requirements and policies for requests


Anthrocon has the following policies in place for Membership refunds, including when we can and cannot grant them:

  • There is a refund deadline every year for Memberships, the Friday before the close of Pre-registration. For Anthrocon 2024, that date is June 14th, 2024 at 11:59 pm EDT. Refund requests after this time will not be granted. Memberships cannot be transferred after the refund deadline.
  • A portion of all Sponsor, Supersponsor, or Ultrasponsor membership fees include a non-refundable donation to Anthrocon which will help us to provide the finest convention experience we can. As Anthrocon is a 501(c)7 registered nonprofit organization, the portion that is considered donation is not deductible from U.S. taxes. As a donation, it is not refundable if a registration is canceled or downgraded. The donation portion of each membership level as well as the total refundable amount for Anthrocon 2024 is as follows:
Membership LevelAmount Considered a Donation

Rollovers & Deferrals

For those who find that they will be unable to attend the convention after the refund deadline you may request that your membership be deferred to the following year. Deferred memberships have no cash value, cannot be refunded at any time, and will only be good for the following convention year. Deferred memberships cannot be downgraded to another membership type. If the deferred membership is not used the following year, it will be forfeited. Requests for deferral must be received from the time pre-registration closes until the Monday before the convention. For Anthrocon 2024 that date is July 1st, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT. Deferral requests after this time will not be granted.

Requirements and Policies for requests

  • Refund and deferral requests must be made either by email to [email protected] or by postal mail to our main address. We need your LEGAL NAME, BADGE NAME, and EMAIL USED TO REGISTER to properly identify you for your request. We cannot accept refund requests through other channels or platforms, such as social media. Requests made by postal mail must be received before the refund deadline.
  • Refunds and deferrals must be approved by the person who holds the Membership. If you purchase a Membership for someone else, it belongs to them, and they have the right to decide if and how they wish their Membership refunded or transferred, subject to Anthrocon rules.
  • Anthrocon will generally attempt to refund a Membership in the manner it was paid for. Due to the policies of credit card companies, any refund requests received 60 days or more after payment may not be able to be refunded by credit cards. Anthrocon will mail a check in these instances.
  • You may request a transfer of Membership, before the refund deadline. When transferring, the original membership will be canceled and a coupon code will be issued for the transferee to use to register. The transfer request must be requested by the holder of the original Membership. Once transferred, the Membership is the property of the Member whose name it is now in.
  • Memberships may be downgraded (Supersponsor to Sponsor, for example) if this request is made before the refund deadline. However, this method may not be used to game or exploit the Early Hotel Booking benefit of Supersponsors. Any Supersponsor who books their hotel before General Availability, and then downgrades or cancels their membership later, will have their hotel room reservation cancelled.
  • Refunds for Dealers Room Tables must be handled via the Dealers Room Director, and follow the guidelines expressed in the Dealers Room Information Packet. Dealer and Dealer Assistant Membership Refunds must also be relayed to the Dealers Room Director at [email protected].